
Case studies

Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group



Management Accountant

Client Profile

Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes Clinical Commissioning Group (BLMK CCG) are responsible for commissioning healthcare services for the almost 1 million people living in BLMK. This means the organisation is responsible for planning and buying NHS-funded healthcare, through varied contracts with service providers, as well as other organisations which deliver treatment and healthcare solutions.


Robertson Bell worked with the organisation to place the role of an Interim Management Accountant.

We worked with then Luton CCG, before the NHS-funded group merged with Bedfordshire CCG and Milton Keynes CCG to form a collective healthcare provider for the areas of Bedfordshire, Luton and Milton Keynes (BLMK). This provided a unique opportunity for a candidate to come into the organisation to support the transition by ensuring that financial assessments for patients continued without interruption.

Considerations and challenges

  • Sourcing a candidate who understood the challenges and pressures of the organisation, particularly as it prepares for change.
  • Finding an individual that is both qualified and has prior NHS accounting experience.
  • Pinpointing highly recommended contractors who may be available at a time of peak demand for management accountants.


Through proactive searching for suitable profiles on our extensive internal database, coupled with creating and placing targeted adverts on specialist job boards, our consultants were able to consider a wide talent pipeline to identify candidates that met the strict criteria for the role.

The final short-list for the position was comprised of qualified candidates attracted by the targeted advertisements and our relationships and connections with contractors in the industry. Furthermore, as the role is currently being offered as a remote position, we were able to draw up an even stronger shortlist of interim professionals who had the necessary experience.


Although Robertson Bell was competing against multiple agencies to place this role, the organisation approached us for support in filling the position as they had received a lack of qualified candidates from their usual supplier. Our consultants have demonstrated the value that we can add, by identifying and suggesting high calibre talent, further positioning us as a recruitment partner of choice.

We recruited the successful interim candidate for this position, after completing the comprehensive search process. Our consultants impressed the client with their ability to hire within a niche area and will be continuing to work with this organisation in the future.

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