

How to provide support during tightening restrictions

How to provide support during tightening restrictions

As we continue through the third full lockdown, there will be a feeling amongst many of us that the path ahead still feels uncertain. There is a constant flow of information, statistics and news to process, as well as managing our apprehension and nervousness of the virus itself.

Each person will be affected by the restrictions differently, and even though we are all in this together, no two experiences will be alike.  Some individuals may even experience ‘lockdown fatigue’, where the uncertainty and mixture of emotions becomes overwhelming in our lives. Employers should keep this in mind when supporting their teams and there are a number of actions that they can take to help maintain morale during the restrictions.

Reconnect with your colleagues

One of the most challenging aspects of living under tightening restrictions is the lack of human connection. We have become so used to having in-person contact and taking that away has been particularly hard to overcome.

Technology is playing a core role in helping to bring people together, even if it is not quite the same as in person connections. Employers can facilitate regular coffee mornings, team building events and news sharing sessions, all through their video calling service. Not all this contact should be about work; holding quizzes or social events can be a great way to engage with your team and give them a break from work. Taking that time to stop, reflect and re-engage is crucial for many of us right now.

Look at what services you can offer

A good employer will offer benefits that help with their employee’s wellbeing. If you haven’t done so already, now is an ideal time to review these offerings to make sure they are set up to help meet the changing needs of employees.

Team members might be finding the latest lockdown overwhelming and could benefit from speaking to professionals. There are a lot of very good online tools and mobile apps that can help individuals cope, such as MIND, Calm and Headspace. Offering your employees the chance to sign up to these subscription services could go some way to help them deal with the challenges they are facing in the present circumstances.

Shine a light on the things we have control of

A lot of what is happening right now is out of anyone’s control and unfortunately, there is not a quick solution. So, within this lockdown period, it is important to look at what you, as an individual, can control. Supporting your colleagues with wellness initiatives, staying connected and encouraging them to find routines will not only help to maintain morale, but also improve productivity and engagement.

There will always be certain things that we can control. Setting time aside to have individual meetings with your mentees, or team, to create action plans, or encouraging individuals to do this on their own, will help to ensure your team has goals within their reach.

Upholding positivity at all times will of course be challenging but focusing on areas we can control is one step to helping with this.

Take the time to celebrate


Celebrations are so important in maintaining and enhancing the morale of your team during periods of uncertainty. Looking to the positives and coming together to recognise them can go a long way in supporting your team. Birthdays, work anniversaries, business wins, it’s important to mark them all.


If your teams are regularly innovating, asking questions and supporting clients then showing you have seen and appreciate this can be best evidenced in a number of ways. Whether this is through sharing positive news with the rest of the department or team, putting business wins in your internal newsletter and bulletins or offering digital rewards, make sure the whole team is included.


Most importantly of all, nothing is too small to share or celebrate.


While these tips will hopefully help you to better support your employees and maintain morale, if you notice or learn that an employee is feeling concerned or overwhelmed, there are professionals and further assistance to guide you too. Above all, remember that you are not alone, and that together we will get through this.  

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